Viewing 1 - 16 out of 39 posts


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Get To Know Alex, our Front Desk Receptionist!

What brought you to Curry Chiropractic? I’ve been in healthcare for 4 years. I started in Chiropractic Care but jumped into family medicine after that. I realized I prefer administrative tasks Read More

Get To Know Elaina, our Petersburg Massage Therapist!

What brought you to Curry Chiropractic? I had seen they were hiring online and went in and just thought I’d see how it went before I decided if I wanted to Read More

Get to Know Our Massage Therapist, Ashley!

What brought you to Curry Chiropractic? I became a patient of Dr. Curry in December 2023. Since becoming a licensed massage therapist in August 2023, I have been looking for opportunities Read More

Hypothyroidism: Are You the 1 in 8?

May is Women's Health month, so let's dive into a topic that is becoming more prevalent in today's society, but is lesser understood. It is said that 1 in 8 Read More

March is National Nutrition Month!

March is National Nutrition Month! We all know that good nutrition is essential to health. The basics of "eat your vegetables and fruits!" has been familiar to all of us since our Read More

Get to Know Allison at the front desk!

What brought you to Curry Chiropractic?  My mom spent a lot of my childhood seeing a chiropractor and seeing the difference it made for her. Then I came across Curry Chiropractic Read More

Get To Know Emily!

What brought you to Curry Chiropractic?  I discovered Dr. John and Curry Chiropractic through my job search online, as I was looking for a new way for my occupation to thrive! What's Read More

Listen to that Gut Feeling

"Gut" feelings can be more important to your health than you think! In a well-functioning GI Tract, ingested food is broken down, nutrients are absorbed, and waste is eliminated. Unfortunately, there Read More

Curry Chiropractic welcomes Dr. Duy Nguyen!

Curry Chiropractic welcomes  Dr. Duy Nguyễn Dr. Curry and the team at Curry Chiropractic would like to welcome Dr. Duy Nguyen!  Dr. Duy Nguyễn graduated as Valedictorian of his high school, Gateway Institute Read More

Get To Know Shannon!

Get to know our office manager, Shannon! What brought you to Curry Chiropractic? I knew Dr. John previously through local music events, and I had been actively looking for another job when Read More

Get To Know Your Favorite Chiropractor!

How much do you know about your favorite chiropractor? Read on below as Dr. John answers your burning questions, with some bonus facts about what keeps him inspired to continue Read More

The Benefits of Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Some people cringe when they hear the terms "Acupuncture" or "Dry Needling". Acupuncture is performed by placing thin needles into the skin at certain points. The technique predates recorded history, Read More

Graston: The Soft-Tissue Super Hero!

Soft tissue injuries can be debilitating and frustrating. Graston Technique® (GT) therapy is successful in effectively treating all soft tissue conditions, whether they are chronic, acute or post- surgical. GT Read More

Massage: More Than Just a Spa Day

Massage therapy is a collective term that covers various techniques and types of massages designed to relieve and alleviate certain needs and physical conditions. Massage therapists apply pressure to knead, Read More

Top 5 Questions I Get Asked As A Chiropractor

When a patient presents to a chiropractor’s office, it can be overwhelming. Most patients that come into our office do so with some condition, pain, dysfunction, or with a goal Read More

The Best New Year's Resolution: Get Adjusted!

New Year's Resolutions...the list seems to sneak up on us and grow every year. These often lofty goals overwhelm us and most of the time we fall far too short Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 39 posts


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